My mind is currently malfunctioning, probably from too much weariness... I just came back from a supposed "vacation" trip in Batangas... What to say... There was water, people, sand, people, air... Oh, and did I mention, people?? In two words: Nothing special. Or if you prefer one: Overpopulation.
A few days ago I was hopelessly experimenting on my blog settings, hoping to add a little thrill to it... Accidentally, I got hooked into clicking too many icons in my profile that I found myself rummaging through other people's blogs... It was then that I came across this blog-turned-friendster of a self-proclaimed rocker.
I was entertained by the settings on her blog, that I actually started to contemplate and wallow in my kinky pursuit to be more "technologically aware" in terms of customizing my own journal... I scanned through her profile, and lo and behold, she's a fan of Avril Lavigne and Simple Plan... Way to go, rockstar!!! Although I have to say, she really did so well in designing the whole site, that it was actually screaming colors of black and red...
What's with posers anyway? People would always say that we should respect what other people like... But I beg to disagree... I think it should actually be the other way around...
We should respect what others do not like.
If we respect others for their own interests and hide our own disgust, then that would be plain hypocrisy... I'd rather be found bashing a Britney Spears concert (or dead, at that) than pretending to enjoy her acrobatic-slash-ostentatious display...
Point here is, why care? If people hate what you think is cool, then deal with it... Don't even think of bribing or forcing them to like it back... Just think of it as your uniqueness, your identity... It's not cliche, but its sheer practicality...
How can you respect something that you're not even in agreement with? Better give your respect to someone who fearlessly says that s/he thinks your choice of music is odd... Or downright, ugly...
It's not about insecurity, but more of liberation and honesty...
For one thing, I do know that I'm not a hardcore rocker, but I love alternative rock, and I find silence and peacefulness in each crash of an electric guitar... To one person, I can well be a poser for him/her as well, but the thing is, I don't give a shit... For, in non-utopian settings, shit matters in perfect synchronization of its actuality... So, in mere terms, just don't give any... Treat them as inexistent...
So much for looking at other people's blogs...