Longer debate: Uchi wanted it charcoal... So there... Gotta love softball!!!
With or Without You by Utada Hikaru (originally interpreted by U2)
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails he makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised, he's got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose
Mhye and I had a little talk during our Chemistry lab class. We were both feeling the sudden change of aura from our usual enthusiastic class... It's becoming gloomy for some reason... Personal problems? I don't know what else to think or who to give the blame to...
From an average of 1GB/day, I've now simmered down to a download average of 300MB/day... Have lots of work at hand... Debate, journal, 2 laboratory classes (1 of which is irregular), 3 regular classes, 2 irregular classes (1 of which is also the laboratory class forementioned) and 1 advanced class... So much for trying to keep yourself busy...
When I saw him earlier, I really didn't feel a thing... If more so, it'd be regret... And it's meant for him and not for me...
On Saturday, I'll be treating myself to another Harry Potter movie (with my beloved sisters of the Artistic Asian Era)... Not to mention, I already watched it last 16... My prerogative...
Spoilers? Read on...
Among the first four books of the HP series that were each made into a movie, I say this is the best... Visual effects won't fail you this time... I especially loved the Quidditch World Cup and the three tasks in the TriWizard Tournament...
- Love is in the air... With Cho Chang, Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour (who, can I just say, was gorgeous *sparks of envy*), need I say more?
- The Death Eaters are alive and kickin' black sand in Shrieking Shack.
- My beloved Sirius is still alive (of course you should know he died in book five, didn't I warn you this will consist spoilers?).
- Voldemort has a body, and an ugly one at that...
- Harry is growing up and getting hotter... Heehee... You should just see that scene when he took a bath and his broad shoulders and upper body were shown... Damn...
- It's a bird... It's a plane... It's... It's... It's the Dark Mark...
- Neville gave the gillyweed to Harry... Now where the hell is Dobby?
- Cedric's death was simple, yet Harry was so affected that I also found myself crying when I watched him weep over his friend's death...
- Action-packed... The Hungarian Horntail, the merpeople, the labyrinth? WaaAaH!!! But the sphinx wasn't there...
- The Yule Ball's really grand and beautiful, even more beautiful than Harry's date... I know, I'm not making sense...
- Rita Skeeter wasn't revealed to be an animagus...
- The Unforgivable Curses... Imperio! Crucio! Avada Kedavra! Whatever happened to that forsaken spider?
- Crouch and the verisaterum story turned short...
- The pensieve's silver streaks of dreams...
- And lastly, the first duel of Voldemort and Harry... This one made me cry... I see dead people...
There. Wasn't I just careless to even look at those scrawny details? Jeez...
Him Planetarium... My current insanity... *sigh* Uchi...
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