Two days and counting. Dialectics is shadowing my footsteps, as Sunday tension creeps on my back. Do I even have time for myself? – I haven’t got a word for that.
We won against TDC Open Team C yesterday. The motion had something to do with the Muhammad cartoon, which is currently causing riots in Islamic countries and Denmark. Ate Cyris adjudicated the debate.
Lately, I’m being so capricious on printing and collating my matter for debate.
***Campaigning period for the College of Science Student Council has turned into a friendster-slash-icon-ng-agham phenomenon these past few days. I have to immediately apologize to Cory – in case you’re reading this post – because she’s part of the COMELEC; no offense. I’m just beginning to wonder if the essence of leadership’s been sucked up not only in our national government, but even in small councils in schools. I mean, for crying out loud, we’re not voting you based on a beauty criteria, but on your supposed wits. Apparently though… (not to be continued.)
Mind you, I'm not generalizing. On the contrary, I am voting a couple of them, although I hate exercising my right to suffrage. I've completely lost the acknoledgement of its significance.
I died for a second. There’s a legend to his eyes.
Something that kills me each time I gaze at its pertinence.
I’m happy that each day I’m able to get a glimpse of him. Even if they’re but mere glances from the corners of my eyes. Atleast he does the same.
I’m not happy how days unroll like sand from an hourglass. Gradually, I grasp – it just cannot be.
Please aid me; this is an aggression.
haha by all means mavy, you can comment on the campaigns... because as COMELEC, we're just there to make sure they're not violating the "rules"... :)- cory
but, apparently, i know there was an "attempt" to change the constitution and make the "unlawful" ones run... atleast, i'm glad that didn't happen.
haha woah! nakaabot sayo un?! yah... heard something like that but that was exactly why the local comelec chairman and his two commissioners were present that day :) - cory
yep, yep... the news has this weird way of falling right in front of my ears. haha, if u know what i mean. not like i fish for them... jen and mike happen to be a part of the science theatre and parliament. they're officers there..
don't want to describe the jobs further... i might not be able to hold back other disappointments. heh.
haha yah.. heard active si jen and mike sa cstp. although, i never really got the chance to hear their campaign speech... i need a little more convincing pa :) i think after being with the central comelec for quite some time and venting all my emotions and "grievances" kay maam chatt, i really want to make sure i vote the RIGHT person. sooo frustrated with the on-going politics... so much nonsense and imprudence. glad ina (my blockmate who's running for treasurer) survivied it. i knew she was overwhelmed that's why this morning we surprised her with candles and flowers and a song number to make her feel better. She cried! i hate politics.
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