I told you I won^t sleep anymore.
But I did and I lied.
Our org logo rocks. Err, for the parliament division, that is. Take a look. Im a fan of Michael (The artist, whom I^ve been bickering endlessly to finish making the drawing, thank you very much. He really should be in another building. Oh, do take me with you!) Mavy -- frustrated artist.
So what the hell. The new format is so-so. The blogskin^s not compatible with the format of my previous posts (that explains the ^ in place of the apostrophe sign), but I love the techno look. I numbed my butt last night -- that is me, sitting in front of the PC for three straight hours and customizing my Blogger template. The outcome? Still a bit crappy, but good enough.
My caffeine intake is on an uphill these days. Maybe it has something to do with my recent lounging (that is quote-unquote, see, I can^t even do quote symbols on these things!) in the CSJ office. Our EIC is the number one coffee addict in the building; caffeine equals water.
I got a very good score in my Chemistry Lab quiz this morning. Thanks to Nikki^s patience, and constant squabbling, of course. I just need to pass two more, after which, I need not worry about failing the subject.
And so Im about to start another paragraph on how I miss training -- again. I bet people are starting to get bored at reading my entries because I rarely talk about more significant things, err, other than debate -- and myself, of course *grins*. But I do miss debating (see, here it comes), and, in a higher level of rustiness, Im bound to collect bewildered looks on the break of my next speech -- which, sadly, will be witnessed by no less than TDC members.
Lately, Im being haunted by the thought of taking Law after graduating from Biology. Quite a sky rocket off the center of the sky.
But I need to work. I need money. I need my own life.
Our supposed quizzes-taking (take note, quizzeS) got postponed last Wednesday. I should^ve just attended the awarding ceremony at the Med Audi. I could^ve gotten the chance to fluff my ego along with Kat and the other members of the Parliament. Sadly (not), I was already home, sleeping sound on my Mickey Mouse bed.
Anyhow, there^s still Biosoc on Friday. That is, if I get my invitation soon enough.
Sleepy, still.
Light transcends.
hay nako... recognition ceremony last tuesday was a bit embarassing... those ppl who made it to DL 2nd semester of first year were also asked to sit infront, only to find out they weren't part of the program, meaning they won't go through the going-on-stage-to-receive-certificates-and-get-photographed "privilege"... or in short, be acknowledged... and again, WE weren't invited to huwarang bio tonight... not that i desperately wanted the recognition but we deserve more than just being given good front row seats last tuesday(a good close-up view of the salinggawi dancers and EXTREMELY talented violinist isn't enough to compensate my wounded pride - hehe, the DRAMA)! what if we never make it to the LIST ever again?! they shouldn't have told us to sit there in the first place! hehe sorry! feelin' a bit bitter i suppose. how was huwarang bio bdw? i thot i saw you... :)
yeah, is this cory? i saw u din nga... came from PE ba? wak! hay naku, dapat din nga hindi ako pupunta kanina, pano wala ako nakuha invitation... pero nakuha ko nung after lunch, medyo nakakahiya pa kasi parang ang labas nagdemand ako, pano kasi si Nikki, ung dati ko kateammate sa SDS, and Team B of science got an invitation for debate, and i didn't get any... pero yun ok naman, pero the food wasn't that great... yep, the violinist's damn great! i am a fan of his. :) kanina din 1st sem DL's lang yung kasama e... i wonder why.
haha yah, it is i. and yep, met nikki rin sa SDS. onga eh... we're being marginalized! welga! haha joke! but okay.. hearing about the food is a relief hahaha kasi food lang naman habol ko sa mga parties... :p hehe i have a friend who was looking for the violinist sa huwarang bio e.. altho it doesn't seem like he performed..
yeah, even the sound system sucked... the event was badly (and i mean BADLY) organized... so much for the new officers... mavy has grudges with people in politics (bwhahaha) oh well... ;)
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