Monday, December 12, 2005

Reality-Based Analysis

This would be the last sentimental crap I'd be posting in this blog... Atleast for this year, that is... Melodrama is part of a human being's nature... Thus, I succumb to its stupidity once in a while...

Letting go is somewhat relative to an individual you once loved, yet we forget that a negation is always existent in any definition (expanded, at that. My thanks to Technical Writing lessons.). For that, I've come to understand that sometimes we need to move on for someone who might not get the courage to let us go... We have to be weak to prove our strength... As Milan Kundera would say in his book The Unbearable Lightness of Being, "When the strong is too weak to leave the weak, the weak should be strong enough to leave." And if you know what it feels like to be murdered, you wouldn't want another fragile person - like you were once - fathom the same torment...

That's why I'm doing the unbearable to save you... Because your deservance cannot be found in my being... In my presence...

Remember the sugarcoats? They were for you... And they were rightfully labeled as such, for they were indeed made to appeal and please other eyes... Straightforward - the readers of this blog...

My apologies... For again, I'm living up to epitomize the passion I've long loathed... Malevolence...

This is to deliver you from such deviance and put you in a state your kindness deems untouchable... Your affection is what encompasses my cold heart... Your averseness is what wakes me up in search for more...

Waiting is not an affirmation, that's why I resist in my unsaid impediments with you...

Now I battle with my sentiments, for this is the clearest path for both you and I...
I need not delve too much in this matter, for I know you'd agree to it both willingly and unwillingly...

With these, I tarnish, I befoul my blinded fate's dictate and make it live in vigilance, as what you've made me comprehend better...
Thus, I close the book to which there was no vivid cover that awaits my judgment...

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