My dad’s still cold to me. He acts like he’s twelve. Jeez. Where’s maturity when my father needs it? I’d better ask the dog for more sensible conversation.

I finished watching First Love of a Royal Prince, a TV series I somewhat flicked on marathon for the last couple of days. Although everyone’s whining for the “other guy” to amiably end up with the lead girl, I’d say everything ended up just right. The lead actor is also the guy in My Sassy Girl. Although he’s not that drop-dead gorgeous, he’s one of my favorite Korean artists to date.
Where to nitpick – lemme borrow this word from Kat – hrmm… I’d say my eyes welled out tears when Gun-hee let Yu-bin go.
"Just the fact that you're saying sorry, I'm already finding all means to let you go. Your apologizing simply means I have a bit of space in your heart. I'm happy, for all the while I thought I had none." --> Gun-hee
Sigh… And now I’m dreaming to go to Tahiti.
Our dog, Bullet, is now in good condition. Although he’s still ranting about his small “crib”, that’s the best I can do for him. Chicco and EJ scared me saying he’s showing signs of looming death. My grandfather, however, is not doing quite well.
I regret not being able to go to Cla's debut party. My apologies, Cla.
If only by a snap of a finger I can make things fine and working as they were once. However, my dad is a clear contradiction to that simple wish.
I’d better start writing my entries for the next journal issue, lest I deem to welcome procrastination in my schedule. There’s going to be a concert on the 27th in school (Grandstand Field), by the way. It’ll start around 7pm. Playlist includes Join the Club, Sugarfree, Parokya ni Edgar, Imago and Brownman Revival. The others, I can’t recall. Admission’s free, so just crash in if you want. I'd be enjoing the show by myself as my blockmates would be leaving for their Ilocos field trip only a few hours onstart. Nevertheless, hope I'd bump into some of you.
[Takes in a deep breath.]
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