I think my dad and I are pretty okay now, only he’s still acting a bit chilly. Anyhow, I just take it indifferently and talk with him – perchance – as if nothing happened.
I’m slowly recovering from my sleeping disorder, conversely though, I’m starting to have a new health problem. My system barely welcomes food intake. And I know I should be happy about that for dietary purposes, however I’m not that vain about my figure to actually feel blissful about it.
I care more about eating a lot than concentrating on my vital statistics.
A few corrections and/or notices:
- It’s not Imago who’ll be performing in the Livre concert, but Mojofly.
- First Crossfire match for Science is on February 1, 2006 (Wednesday), 1-3pm. It’s taped as live; I’m not really sure what that means so just go check your respective college TVs around those hours – that is, if you want to see me make a mess out of my speech. Oh, and please don’t forget to pray for us; we’d be going against AB.
- Dialectics eliminations are on February 5, 2006 (Sunday). Still don’t know what time though. I’ll keep you guys posted.
- The new links at the bottom right of my page are of the Deviant Art website. Go check them out. They’re fab! The pictures posted with this entry are from that site. Gotta love the pics! I can almost see myself in them! No contradictions please! Hehe...
I received my first ever comment/critique in Deviant Art Website. It’s for the Beloved, Formless poem, which I think I posted a month back. Just go look for it in my archives (Specters of the Writer). Here’s what’s said in the comment:
Deviant: ~FeyCreature (#214503293) Date: Jan 24, 2006, 1:19:00 PM
Cool. I love the line "Afloat on the same past tenses" and I'm not sure why. The whole thing is very thoughtful, deep I guess (although that always sounds so trite nowadays *sigh*) Nice job
Go check my gallery of deviations here.
It’s my last prelims day tomorrow. Wish me luck. So far, not one test has given me a headache. Or should I attach a yet preposition to that?
Can’t wait to start training again. I’m all rusty. Heh.
Sleep everyone. Be grateful you can.
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