Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Technically Speaking...

We lost over AB at my first ever Crossfire match. Sad how we never even made it to the next round, or atleast win one debate. Anyhow, I say it was a good debate, considering the fact that the debates before ours were filled with unconscious ramblings and illogical arguments. Pecto and I already wanted to step up and grab the mic. Say, “On relevance…”

It was a very good debate. The best yet, for me. Although we lost, we were able to satisfy Kuya Rigor’s (one of the adjudicators, who, by the way, is the trainer of Dialectikos, Pay-High debate organization) demands of an uplifting debate for the sake of the very “painful” one prior to ours. I almost made it to Best Speaker – undermining that I made a complete mess out of my speech – but I lost to Al, AB’s first speaker, to one vote. Nonetheless, he deserves it, and just the thought of being a part of that round is a privilege as it is.

Tomorrow, I’ll be training the whips – both Kat and Carissa. Niño told me to do so. I really don’t know how to start teaching them. I’m still not that good myself; I’m so far from being that.

Just got some of my preliminary exams back. Oh man! Screw Chem300Lab! And I mean that with every inch of my fingernails! Damn… Just read through the lines.
Atleast I got a perfect score in the Technical Writing exam! Still…

Again, I am yet to drown myself in studying for a specific subject. It’s a clear déjà vu of last semester’s finals. Remember Calculus?
Please stop haunting me with Chemistry; it’s pretty working!

Four new poems for Momentum’s next issue. Especially loved Of Dragonflies and Collisions. Familiar, huh?

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